I’m Finally Available To Buy! :) (28mm Jemima Fawr by Trent Miniatures)

At long last, my adoring public can buy a miniature facsimile of their favourite Welsh pub-bouncer, wargame-blogger, scourge of the French and all-round Welsh bruiser, Jemima Fawr! 🙂

At the Partizan show last May, I bumped into my old mate Duncan MacFarlane, the former editor of Miniature Wargames and Wargames Illustrated.  He now runs Trent Miniatures, which produces a lovely 28mm French Revolutionary Wars and Irish Rebellions range.  Sadly this range was only in embryonic form when we were looking for figures for our Fishguard 1797 project, or we’d have bought a heap of them!  He’d been wanting to speak to me, as he’d just commissioned some Angry Welsh Women and their associated Gentleman Friends to complement his excellent and growing range of figures.

So here she is: ‘Big Jemima’ herself:

This lovely model can be bought from the North Star Figures website.

And here’s the first pack of Welsh peasants:

They certainly do look like cracking figures – I just wish they’d been available 10 years ago! 🙁

If you’re wondering what I’m talking about with regard to the Battle of Fishguard 1797, here are my earlier articles covering the French invasion of 1797, the ‘Battle’ and the armies and characters involved:

The Battle That Never Was: Fishguard 1797

French Forces at Fishguard

British Forces at Fishguard (Part 1)

British Forces at Fishguard (Part 2)

Fishguard 1797 Scenario #1: Ambush at Carnwnda

Fishguard 1797 Scenario #2: The French Attack

The Further Adventures of the Black Legion

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12 Responses to I’m Finally Available To Buy! :) (28mm Jemima Fawr by Trent Miniatures)

  1. David Weale says:

    I thought it was the figure with the po. Did you sculpt that one yourself?

    • jemima_fawr says:

      Jemima could be any one of those Welsh ‘ladies’, to be honest! But the Trent Miniatures one is the first commercially-available figure.

      I can’t claim credit for any of the sculpting – the lady with the po (and all the other Welsh ladies) were converted from other figures (mostly Perry and Redoubt) by the talented Martin Small. The lady with the po is taken from the Perry Miniatures ‘ACW Rioters’ set.


      • David Weale says:

        Meet Martin again a few weeks ago at Haverfordwest, your scenario writing and his sculpting I’m rubbing shoulders with wargaming royalty.

        • jemima_fawr says:

          Give him my regards, as I haven’t seem him in ages! I’ll have to give him a shout (as Mrs Fawr would say, “Men…”)… 😉

  2. Marvin says:

    Magnificent figures, I particularly admire your scene with the ladies, the pump and the horses drinking from the trough and the trooper with the tarleton helmet, presumably of the Pembroke Yeomanry. Which manufacturer are those?

    I’ve been enjoying your blog, especially the Jemima Fawr references. I’ve just taken part in an annual event called ‘FEMbruary’ –
    It celebrates ‘realistic female miniatures’ in the hobby. I’ve just finished this year’s submission –
    but maybe I’ll tackle a North Star Jemima Fawr next year?!

    Her amazing story put me in mind of an story I’d heard where Ilfracombe’s local women, in lieu of any other available military response, repelled French naval invaders in 1797 by parading on the cliffs wearing their red petticoats to appear like local militia.

    Anyway, I’ll shut up now – congratulations on a terrific blog 🙂 Best wishes


    • jemima_fawr says:

      Cheers Marvin!

      The ‘pump scene’ is actually a French Revolutionary War vignette by Eureka Miniatures, with added Welsh ladies’ hats. The ‘Yeomanry trooper’ is actually a 1790s French Chasseur a Cheval, but the uniform style is VERY close to that of British Light Dragoons/Yeomanry, so all he needed was different paint-job. Martin also added cloth shabraques to the horses – I think they were French-style sheepskin shabraques.

      Ah, the ‘Ilfracombe incident’ was actually caused by Castagnier’s flotilla firing a ‘distraction bombardment’ to get the British Army running to Devon, while he landed the troops at Cardiff. The local Volunteer Infantry and Yeomanry were called out in response and part of the Bristol Garrison (the Royal Bucks Militia and Suffolk Provisional Cavalry) were sent in response. In the event, the easterly winds then stopped Castagnier from landing at Cardiff or Swansea and they ended up at Fishguard. I’ve not heard the bit about the Ilfracombe ladies before though… Seems odd that the same thing should allegedly happen at both Ilfracombe and Fishguard and I wonder if the legend has grown with the re-telling (the Fishguard side of the story re ladies, red shawls, tall hats, etc, is pure myth).

      • Marvin says:

        That’s really interesting, thanks for the info.

        I thought it was interesting the Ilfracombe story being about the same time as the Fishguard invasion and just across the Bristol Channel. The display was something I saw some years ago, retold in Ilfracombe’s excellent local museum. You may be right about it being a myth, although a faded red shawl was up on the wall there, said to belong to a lady who apparently was the inspiration and leader of this fake female militia. Also an old drum apparently beaten by one of the ladies was on display.

        Even if the story had some truth in it, seeing the French fleet sail by might have made the ladies believe that their clever deception had worked and ‘saved the town’, rather than it just being the case that Ilfracombe was a deliberate distraction anyway!

        • jemima_fawr says:

          It could be that the Ilfracombe ladies gave rise to the myth of the same thing happening at Fishguard! 🙂

          Lord Cawdor did report a mob of several hundred armed women being present at the surrender on 24th February, though there’s no evidence that they took any part in a deception prior to that, as per the legend. It’s amazing how it only took a few decades for a legend to be born. That sort of thing normally took centuries! 🙂

  3. George Banic says:

    G’day ‘Mr Fawr’,
    I haven’t been able to locate your real name so assume you’re happy to go by your handle. I found your blog when I was Googling ‘10mm ACW’, although I think I found your site on a couple of other searches as well. I have the original Brigade F&F rules and also the Regimental version. I had played BFF years ago, had Hancock’s 2nd Corps (from the Gettysburg orbat) in 15mm whilst my mate had the Rebs. Of course, he subsequently moved to the other side of the country and ended up selling his Rebs so I followed suite, but I always had a soft spot for F&F, really enjoyed the rules and my Union ‘army’ was the first wargames army I ever fully completed. Long story short, I’ve finally got back into ACW and have gone with Pendraken 10mm. I’m also into Napoleonic, with 15mm Austrian and French armies for the 1809 campaign based for Napoleon’s Battles, which were the first war game rules I ever bought, so another soft spot there. I’ve gone into the Franco-Prussian war in a big way also and have used the Pendraken range, which is how I got into 10mm in the first place, and it is now my favourite scale. Anyway, thought to drop you a line to say g’day from down under, would love to ‘talk’ to you regarding ACW in 10mm if you have the time, otherwise will continue following your posts with interest.
    George B

    • jemima_fawr says:

      Hi George, thanks for taking the time to post! It looks like our wargaming interests are very closely aligned! 🙂

      Yeah, much the same thing happened to me with regard to 15mm F&F (in my case it was Reynolds’ I Corps that I’d painted). Re 10mm F&F, I don’t know if you’ve seen this post, but this is how I’ve re-scaled it for my purposes: http://www.jemimafawr.co.uk/2020/02/01/playing-brigade-fire-fury-2nd-edition-in-10mm-i-did-it-my-way/


      • George Banic says:

        G’day Mark,
        Many thanks for your response. Had meant to get back to you sooner but got distracted with work etc. Looking through your blog it’s amazing how closely aligned our modelling interests are! At the moment, ACW is on the boil for me and am about to start painting my Pendraken figures. I had originally gone for a single CSA Corps and two US Corps, budgeting on five figures per base, but the more I look at your bases with 3 figs, the more I like what I see? Similar thinking to you in speedier painting and cheaper overall, although it now means I have surplus figures so will probably flesh out the orbat for both sides. If I go with your style of basing I may be able to double the number of Corps on both sides without needing too many extras, meaning I should be able to play all the F&F Gettysburg scenarios, which was my main goal. With 2/3 of the Gettysburg orbat, nearly all of the other battles of the ACW should be achievable, I think.
        I’ve been impressed by the research you’ve done behind the units you’ve painted and am keen to bounce ideas off you when you have some time. Your figures and terrain boards are excellent, so again, keen to learn from your experience as I start work on my own stuff. Happy to discuss off-line via email if that suites you?

  4. Pingback: 225 Years Ago This Week: The ‘Battle’ of Fishguard 1797 | Jemima Fawr's Miniature Wargames Blog

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