Category Archives: British Grenadier! Rules (AWI)

“Don’t Tread On Me!”: My AWI Rebel Army (Part 2)

First an apology for it being a bit quiet here this last month!  I haven’t managed to do any wargaming since our Kolin refight in January, added to which I’ve been on holiday for the last two weeks.  However, there … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Painted Units | 2 Comments

“Don’t Tread On Me!”: My AWI Rebel Army (Part 1)

As mentioned last time, I dug our my old 28mm American War of Independence collection last year and had a brief flurry of AWI games, using British Grenadier! rules.  That led to some new purchases and a few new units … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Painted Units | 4 Comments

“The British Are Coming!”: My AWI British Army (Part 1: The Elite Corps)

Last summer, following a conversation with my old mate Antony Oakley about our past games, I decided to dig out my old 28mm American War of Independence (AWI) armies and do some games with our old favourite, British Grenadier! rules.  … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Painted Units | 5 Comments

‘Nescit Pericula’: My AWI Hessian Army (Part 3: Jäger & Artillery)

Merry Christmas to the surviving readers of this blog!  I hope you’re all in the bosom of your family (or at least in someone’s bosom) and got everything you wished for?  This year Mrs Fawr is ‘Saying it with Bastions’ … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Painted Units | 3 Comments

‘Nescit Pericula’: My AWI Hessian Army (Part 2: Musketeers & Fusiliers)

At the time of starting to write this post, we should have been refighting Cornwallis’ flank-attack at the Battle of the Brandywine 1777 at the Carmarthen Old Guard.  However, for the last week it’s been unusually cold here in tropical … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Painted Units | 8 Comments

The Battle of Breed’s Hill (or ‘Bunker Hill’), 17th June 1775: The Refight

In my last post, I presented the late Mark Hayes’ scenario for the Battle of Breed’s Hill (commonly known as the Battle of Bunker Hill, thanks to confusion between the names of two adjacent Bostonian hills), but didn’t have time … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Games | 14 Comments

The Battle of Breed’s Hill (or ‘Bunker Hill’), 17th June 1775: The Scenario

Well after two postponements, we finally got to play our Battle of Breed’s/Bunker Hill* game last Thursday!  Andy the serial-sickie still couldn’t make it, but I had three willing players in the form of Chris, Trevor and Mike.  Mike and … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), British Grenadier! Scenarios, Eighteenth Century, Games, Scenarios | 13 Comments

‘Nescit Pericula’: My AWI Hessian Army (Part 1: Grenadiers)

As recently mentioned, I was getting a bit bored with all those tricorn hats and mitre caps of the Seven Years War, so decided to dig out my old 28mm AWI collection with its TOTALLY different tricorn hats and mitre … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Painted Units | 8 Comments

My Return to the AWI: The Battle of White Plains, 28th October 1776

As previously mentioned, my recent return to Seven Years War wargaming has meant that it’s all been wall-to-wall tricorns, muskets, red coats, lace and pointy-headed Germans around here.  I felt I needed a break and what could possibly be better … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Games | 8 Comments

The Battle of Germantown 4th October 1777 (Refight Gallery)

At the end of my last post I dug out a photo of my last AWI game, namely the Battle of Germantown, which we played in December 2009.  Sadly I don’t remember too much about the game (it was played … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Games | 7 Comments