Category Archives: Partizan (Show)

Elizabeth The Great 1926-2022

Posted in 28mm Figures, Cold War, Painted Units, Partizan (Show), World War 2, World War 2 - British Commonwealth Armies | Leave a comment

Visited By The Ghost of Demo-Games Past…

Just a quick one today: Following the recent resurrection of my Seven Years War mojo, I was visited by the Ghost of Demo-Games Past, who sent me this photo he’d scanned from a 1998 copy of Wargames Illustrated. The photo … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Games, Partizan (Show), Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Shako Rules, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 6 Comments

My ‘Partizan in the Cloud’: The Cassinga Raid, Angola 1978

This weekend should have been spent schlepping up to Newark for my annual pilgrimage to the Partizan 2020 show, but as with so many events at the moment, Partizan has been forced to cancel.  However, they are running the show … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: First Echelon, Battlefront: WW2, Cold War, Cold War - Angolan Border War, Crusade (Show), Games, Partizan (Show), Scenarios, Warfare (Show) | Leave a comment

My 2019/2020 Demo Game: The Cassinga Raid, Angola 1978 (Part 5: The Scenario)

As discussed in the previous articles here, here and here, I decided last year to do a demo game based on the controversial 1978 Cassinga Raid, which was an early engagement in South Africa’s ‘Border War’ in Angola.  I took … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: First Echelon, Battlefront: WW2, Battlefront: WWII Scenarios, Cold War, Cold War - Angolan Border War, Crusade (Show), Games, Partizan (Show), Scenarios, Warfare (Show) | 2 Comments

My 2019/2020 Demo Game: The Cassinga Raid, Angola 1978 (Part 1)

As mentioned in recent posts, I’ve spent the last few months building terrain-boards, painting troops and sticking together aeroplanes for my forthcoming demo game at Warfare 2019, which will be held on the weekend of 16th/17th November, at the Rivermead … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: First Echelon, Battlefront: WW2, Cold War, Cold War - Angolan Border War, Games, Partizan (Show), Scenarios, Scenery, Warfare (Show) | 7 Comments

Our ‘A Very British Civil War 1938’ Game at Partizan 2019

The last twelve months have certainly shot past since our last Very British Civil War 1938 epic at Partizan 2018 show in Newark! I clearly hadn’t offended everyone last year, as this year I was very kindly invited by Dave … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, Games, Partizan (Show), VBCW - A Very British Civil War | 3 Comments

‘This Seat of Mars’: Our Very British Civil War Game at Partizan ’18

It’s been a few years since I last visited a wargames show, but two weeks ago I schlepped up to Newark for Partizan ’18.  Partizan has always been one of my favourite shows, due to the extremely high quality of … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, Games, Partizan (Show), VBCW - A Very British Civil War | Leave a comment

The Baroness de Loutson Marches on Newark!

The Baroness de Loutson and the Cadet Corps of Slebech Castle College For Young Ladies will this week be marching on Newark, to reinforce the Royalist forces in Pete Barfield’s ‘A Very British Civil War’ game at the ‘Partizan 2018′ … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, Painted Units, Partizan (Show), VBCW - A Very British Civil War, VBCW Royalist | 4 Comments