Monthly Archives: December 2022

Jemima Fawr’s Review of 2022

Once again, as in my Review of 2021, I’m sitting here bewildered, wondering where the hell the year went.  I’d love to say that 2022 was a far better year, given the shit-shows that were 2021 and 2020, but I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Reviews | 22 Comments

‘Nescit Pericula’: My AWI Hessian Army (Part 3: Jäger & Artillery)

Merry Christmas to the surviving readers of this blog!  I hope you’re all in the bosom of your family (or at least in someone’s bosom) and got everything you wished for?  This year Mrs Fawr is ‘Saying it with Bastions’ … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Painted Units | 2 Comments

‘Nescit Pericula’: My AWI Hessian Army (Part 2: Musketeers & Fusiliers)

At the time of starting to write this post, we should have been refighting Cornwallis’ flank-attack at the Battle of the Brandywine 1777 at the Carmarthen Old Guard.  However, for the last week it’s been unusually cold here in tropical … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Painted Units | 8 Comments

The Battle of Castiglione 1796: A Scenario for ‘Napoleon’s Battles’

Well it’s holiday time again and once again there’s sickness in the family, so it’s been binned.  God does like his little jokes…  Anyway, there are two positives to take from this: 1.  It’s Mrs Fawr, not me. 2.  I … Continue reading

Posted in Eighteenth Century, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleon's Battles Scenarios, Napoleonic Wars, Scenarios | 10 Comments

The 2nd Battle of Caldiero 1805 – The Refight

31st October 1805 From André Masséna, Marshal of the Empire, Commanding His Imperial Majesty’s Army of Italy. To The Headquarters of His Imperial Majesty, hopefully somewhere near Vienna. Greetings Sire!  I bring news of a great victory won by your … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Games, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic Wars | 12 Comments