Monthly Archives: September 2018

A Very British Civil War in Pembrokeshire 1938: A Dispatch From Somewhere Near The Back Of The Front

Hello. This is Huw Puw reporting from the front-line (wherever the hell it is – buggered if I know) for The Fish Guardian. My editor last week asked me to ’embed’ myself with the ‘Twm Carnabwth’ Regiment of the Army … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, Painted Units, VBCW - A Very British Civil War, VBCW Welsh Nationalist | 2 Comments

A Very British Civil War in Pembrokeshire 1938: The Army of the Republic of Cantref Cemaes

With the Second British Civil War now 80 years in the past, its incredibly complicated history is rapidly being lost from our collective memory and many of the smaller factions of the war are largely forgotten.  One such faction was … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, Painted Units, VBCW - A Very British Civil War, VBCW Welsh Nationalist | 5 Comments

A Very British Civil War in Pembrokeshire 1938: The Welsh Are Revolting!

Hello.  This is Huw Puw reporting from front-line Fishguard, for The Fish Guardian. Rumours have been spreading recently of an offensive by Welsh Nationalists belonging to the Republic of Cantref Cemaes.  Details are sketchy, but this photo was allegedly taken … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, Painted Units, VBCW - A Very British Civil War, VBCW Welsh Nationalist | 2 Comments

Cold War Polish Infantry

As mentioned in my recent article on SKOT armoured personnel carriers, earlier this year I picked up a load of 15mm Polish Cold War infantry by a Polish company called Oddzial Osmy.  At the time, these were only available in the … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: First Echelon, Cold War, Cold War - Warsaw Pact Armies, Painted Units | 21 Comments

“Where is Grouchy?!” – Some French Units for Waterloo

And so to the French… While I already had a pile of French troops for Waterloo, quite a few were looking very tired and in need of refurbishment or replacement (most notably my ancient 1980s-vintage Battle Honours artillery and Guard … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 2 Comments

“Vorwärts!” – Some Prussian Units for Waterloo

As discussed here, we decided in 2015 to refight the Battle of Waterloo as part of the Bicentennial commemorations.  However, we still needed to paint ‘a few’ units (in reality a surprisingly large number of units…).  Thankfully, I already had a … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic Prussian Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | Leave a comment

“Long Live The House of Orange!” – Netherlands Troops at Waterloo

In my last article, I showed off the British and KGL units I had to paint for our Waterloo Bicentennial game in 2015.  However, I had an even greater deficiency in Netherlands troops!  However, from my involvement in organising a Waterloo … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 13 Comments

“The Scum of the Earth”: Wellington’s Army at Waterloo in 15mm

As discussed here and here, in 2015 we decided to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Waterloo by refighting it in grand style.  Although I already had a lot of British, French and Prussians (mostly AB Figures), there were still ‘a few’ (actually rather a … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic British Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 17 Comments

“Great SKOT!” Some Warsaw Pact APCs in 15mm…

Those of us who like to wargame the ‘Cold War Gone Hot’ in 15mm (1/100th scale) are truly living in a Golden Age of model-availability…  It’s not so long ago that the choice was limited to QRF, Skytrex and Peter Pig, or the … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: First Echelon, Battlefront: WW2, Cold War, Cold War - Warsaw Pact Armies, Painted Units | Leave a comment