Category Archives: Games

The Combat of Sanderhausen 1758 (The Refight)

Last time I posted a scenario for the Combat of Sanderhausen, which was fought on 23rd July 1758, between the French corps of the Duc de Broglie and the Hessian corps of Prince Ysenburg.  I covered all the history, orders … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Games, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Shako Rules, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 12 Comments

Murfreesboro 1862: The Northern Flank

As mentioned in my Review of 2023, I’ve repeatedly used one small corner of my Murfreesboro demo game terrain as a small, ‘what-if’ scenario to introduce new players to Fire & Fury 2nd Edition rules, though completely failed to record … Continue reading

Posted in 10mm Figures, American Civil War, Fire & Fury (Brigade), Games | 3 Comments

“Going At It Bald-Headed!”: The Battle of Warburg 1760 (The Refight)

As mentioned last week in my Review of 2023, during ‘Chrimbo Limbo’ we played my Battle of Warburg 1760 scenario at the Wargames Association of South Pembrokeshire (W.A.S.P.) in Pembroke Dock.  We had originally planned to do this at a … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Games, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 9 Comments

‘Getting Your Nobori Out In Public’: a 6mm Samurai Game

It was something a bit different for me last week, as I went down to W.A.S.P. and had a 6mm Samurai game with my old mate Gareth.  I’ve been admiring his astonishing 6mm Samurai collection for the last few years … Continue reading

Posted in 6mm Figures, Games, Samurai, Sengoku-Jidai, Tenka-Fubu Rules | 24 Comments

‘Auvergne, Voici Les Ennemis!’: The Battle of Clostercamp 16th October 1760 (The Refight)

As discussed last time, we (i.e. Andy, Kirk and me) recently put on a refight of the Battle of Clostercamp for the club open day of one of our local wargame clubs, the Haverfordwest Gaming Club (HATS).  I posted the … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Games, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 9 Comments

The Combat of Strehla, 20th August 1760: The Refight

As mentioned in recent posts, I’ve been steadily working toward completing the Reichsarmee and last week I finally had enough finished to field all the Reichsarmee units present at the Combat of Strehla.  For the Prussians I managed to do … Continue reading

Posted in Eighteenth Century, Games, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 17 Comments

The Battle of Kolin, 18th June 1757: The Refight

Last November I posted my scenario for the Battle of Kolin, which was Frederick the Great’s first battlefield defeat.  I covered the historical background, actual events and orders of battle there, so just follow the link if you want to … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Games, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 15 Comments

The 2nd Battle of Caldiero 1805 – The Refight

31st October 1805 From André Masséna, Marshal of the Empire, Commanding His Imperial Majesty’s Army of Italy. To The Headquarters of His Imperial Majesty, hopefully somewhere near Vienna. Greetings Sire!  I bring news of a great victory won by your … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Games, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic Wars | 12 Comments

The Battle of Breed’s Hill (or ‘Bunker Hill’), 17th June 1775: The Refight

In my last post, I presented the late Mark Hayes’ scenario for the Battle of Breed’s Hill (commonly known as the Battle of Bunker Hill, thanks to confusion between the names of two adjacent Bostonian hills), but didn’t have time … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), Eighteenth Century, Games | 14 Comments

The Battle of Breed’s Hill (or ‘Bunker Hill’), 17th June 1775: The Scenario

Well after two postponements, we finally got to play our Battle of Breed’s/Bunker Hill* game last Thursday!  Andy the serial-sickie still couldn’t make it, but I had three willing players in the form of Chris, Trevor and Mike.  Mike and … Continue reading

Posted in 28mm Figures, American War of Independence, British Grenadier! Rules (AWI), British Grenadier! Scenarios, Eighteenth Century, Games, Scenarios | 13 Comments