Category Archives: Fire & Fury (Brigade) Scenarios

Murfreesboro 1862: The Northern Flank (Scenario for Fire & Fury 2nd Edition)

As discussed last time, I’ve been using the northeast corner of my Battle of Murfreesboro/Stones River terrain boards (i.e. the highlighted area of the map below) to play a small ‘what-if’ scenario based on the northern flank of the battle, … Continue reading

Posted in 10mm Figures, American Civil War, Fire & Fury (Brigade), Fire & Fury (Brigade) Scenarios, Scenarios | 2 Comments

“A Game of Two Halves”: The Battle of Cedar Mountain, 9th August 1862 (Fire & Fury 2nd Edition)

Last weekend we had another all-day gaming session at the Carmarthen Old Guard and Alan, Andy and I once again decided to do an American Civil War historical refight in 10mm with the superb Fire & Fury 2nd Edition rules.  … Continue reading

Posted in 10mm Figures, American Civil War, Fire & Fury (Brigade), Fire & Fury (Brigade) Scenarios, Games, Scenarios | 9 Comments

Bloody Antietam (The Afternoon Battle), 17th September 1862

Sorry for the slow rate of blog-posts just lately!  My excuses are many and varied, but the main reason is that just lately I’ve been ill with Manthrax (like Man Flu but even worse) and ‘between computers’!  Sorry! Anyway, friends … Continue reading

Posted in 10mm Figures, American Civil War, Fire & Fury (Brigade), Fire & Fury (Brigade) Scenarios, Games, Scenarios | 7 Comments

“There’s The Devil To Pay” (First Clash at Gettysburg): Our First ACW Game

Things have been slow on the painting, wargaming and blogging front just lately due to a wedding, an eye infection and tropical heat (anything better than ‘damp’ is considered tropical in these parts), but last week I managed to play … Continue reading

Posted in 10mm Figures, American Civil War, Fire & Fury (Brigade), Fire & Fury (Brigade) Scenarios, Scenarios | 7 Comments