Category Archives: Napoleon’s Battles (Rules)

The Battle of Castiglione 1796: A Scenario for ‘Napoleon’s Battles’

Well it’s holiday time again and once again there’s sickness in the family, so it’s been binned.  God does like his little jokes…  Anyway, there are two positives to take from this: 1.  It’s Mrs Fawr, not me. 2.  I … Continue reading

Posted in Eighteenth Century, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleon's Battles Scenarios, Napoleonic Wars, Scenarios | 10 Comments

The 2nd Battle of Caldiero 1805 – The Refight

31st October 1805 From André Masséna, Marshal of the Empire, Commanding His Imperial Majesty’s Army of Italy. To The Headquarters of His Imperial Majesty, hopefully somewhere near Vienna. Greetings Sire!  I bring news of a great victory won by your … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Games, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic Wars | 12 Comments

More Napoleonic French Allies (Saxon & Westphalian Cuirassiers)

My painting since November has been a bit random, consisting mostly of Napoleonic bits and pieces that I’ve been wanting to paint for a while, but kept getting knocked back while the big Seven Years War and American Civil War … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 2 Comments

“Mother Russia, Rain Down, Down, Down!”: My Napoleonic Russians (Part 3: The Pavlov Grenadier Regiment)

As the surviving readers of this blog will know, I often get stuff wrong and this blog mostly exists as a warning to other wargamers, being a record of where I went wrong and how to avoid such schoolboy errors…  … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic Russian Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 17 Comments

“La Garde au Feu!”: My 15mm French Imperial Guard (Part 8: Young Guard Cavalry)

As regular readers of this blog might remember, in April 2020 I declared my French Imperial Guard to be finally finished! Hurrah! Vive l’Empereur! etc… So here are another two units of Imperial Guard cavalry… 🙂 “WTF?!” I hear you … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 11 Comments

“Mother Russia, Rain Down, Down, Down!”: My Napoleonic Russians (Part 2)

Mrs Fawr has finally resigned herself to the fact that me openly playing with myself in the dining room is ‘The New Normal’, so I was able to get another solo game in last week! 🙂 Our table measures only … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic Russian Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 5 Comments

“Mother Russia, Rain Down, Down, Down!”: My Napoleonic Russians (Part 1)

First my apologies to all lovers of Olive Drab, Jungle Green and Crabfat Blue, as it’s all been a bit overloaded with the lace, brightly-coloured coats, facings, buttons, muskets, sabres and tricorns of the 18th Century around here just lately.  … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic Russian Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 17 Comments

Some More French Napoleonic Allies

It’s all been a bit wordy and rather ‘Jungle Green’ around here just lately, so I thought I’d throw some Napoleonics in to brighten the place up a bit!  As has been mentioned here before, everyone needs friends and that’s … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 24 Comments

The 2nd Battle of Caldiero, 30th October 1805: A Scenario for ‘Napoleon’s Battles’

The Battle of Caldiero is a surprisingly little-known, yet bloody action fought during the War of the 3rd Coalition in 1805.  The scene of Napoleon’s first battlefield defeat in 1796, this was therefore the second battle to be fought by … Continue reading

Posted in Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleon's Battles Scenarios, Napoleonic Wars, Scenarios | 13 Comments

The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw (Part 4: The Cavalry)

This is the last part of my series on my 15mm Army of the Duchy of Warsaw.  In Part 1 I covered the infantry, in Part 2 I looked at Prince Poniatowski and some of his generals and in Part … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 12 Comments