Category Archives: Annual Reviews

Jemima Fawr’s Review of 2023

Well here we are once again, bewildered and wondering “Where the hell did that year go?!” I hope that wherever the last remaining reader of this blog is, they’re enjoying themselves and not sitting in work on the night shift, … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Reviews | 15 Comments

Jemima Fawr’s Review of 2022

Once again, as in my Review of 2021, I’m sitting here bewildered, wondering where the hell the year went.  I’d love to say that 2022 was a far better year, given the shit-shows that were 2021 and 2020, but I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Reviews | 22 Comments

Jemima Fawr’s Review of 2021

It only seems like a few weeks since I was sitting here writing my Review of 2020, but here I am writing my review for 2021!  Where the hell did that go?!  Disbelief aside, 2021 was a better year for … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Reviews | 45 Comments

Happy 3rd Birthday Jemima Fawr!

Where has the last year gone?!  Perhaps it’s a consequence of Covid Groundhog Days, but it only seems like a couple of months since I was writing my 2nd Birthday post!  Looking back at that post, I see that I … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Reviews | 4 Comments

Jemima Fawr’s Review of 2020

Well it’s been a funny old year… ‘Funny’ that is, in much the same manner as Ricky Gervais, Miranda Hart or Mrs Brown’s Boys are ‘funny’; i.e. Not remotely funny whatsoever. Thankfully, I’ve remained in employment throughout and I live … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Reviews | 24 Comments

Happy 2nd Birthday Jemima Fawr!

Yes, it’s that time of year again!  Where does the time go when you’re having… OK, a mildly acceptable time…? This time a year ago we’d had just over 20,000 hits on the blog after the first year and now … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Reviews | 15 Comments

Happy Birthday Jemima Fawr!

It’s party-time here at Fawr Towers, as this blog is one year-old today! 🙂 During the past year, this blog has received over 20,000 hits from sufferers of insomnia seeking a cure for their affliction; no doubt with a very … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Reviews | 2 Comments