Category Archives: World War 2 – Burma Campaign

‘Fuller’s Stand’: ‘C’ Company, 152 (Indian) Para at Point 7378, 19th March 1944 (The Game)

Last time I posted a scenario based on the defence of a hilltop on the Indian-Burmese border by Indian Paras during the initial stages of the Japanese advance on Imphal and Kohima.  We played the scenario at the Carmarthen Old … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Games, World War 2, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 8 Comments

‘Fuller’s Stand’: ‘C’ Company, 152 (Indian) Para at Point 7378, 19th March 1944 (A Scenario For ‘Battlefront: WWII’)

Having played almost nothing but Seven Years War and written about nothing but tricorn hat-lace in recent months, many readers of this blog will be relieved to know that we finally played something different at club last week! 🙂 I … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Battlefront: WWII Scenarios, Games, Scenarios, World War 2, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 3 Comments

The Forgotten Wargames Army: XIVth Army in Burma (Part 8 – 254th Indian Tank Brigade on the Road to Mandalay (and Rangoon) 1944-45)

In the Part 7 of this series I looked at the 254th Indian Tank Brigade and their decisive role in the defence of Imphal in 1944.  This time I’m following the 254th Tank Brigade as they followed the ‘Road to … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Painted Units, World War 2, World War 2 - British Commonwealth Armies, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 9 Comments

The Forgotten Wargames Army: XIVth Army in Burma (Part 7 – 254th Indian Tank Brigade at Imphal 1944)

For those who are still awake, here’s the next instalment of my series on the XIVth Army and specifically Commonwealth armoured units of the Burma Campaign.  What was originally going to be one simple article and then expanded to become … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Painted Units, World War 2, World War 2 - British Commonwealth Armies, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 20 Comments

The Forgotten Wargames Army: XIVth Army in Burma (Part 6 – XV Corps Armoured Group)

As discussed in the last part of this series of articles, I’m presently looking at the British and Indian armoured units that fought in the Burma Campaign of World War 2.  In the last article I looked at the British … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Painted Units, World War 2, World War 2 - British Commonwealth Armies, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 2 Comments

The Forgotten Wargames Army: XIVth Army in Burma (Part 5 – 7th Armoured Brigade & 50th Indian Tank Brigade)

The recent 75th anniversary of VJ Day and conversations with our friend Olivia on the Battle of Wetlet thread prompted me to re-read some history of the Burma Campaign and suitably inspired, I thought I’d add another post about the … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Painted Units, World War 2, World War 2 - British Commonwealth Armies, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 27 Comments

The Forgotten Wargames Army: XIVth Army in Burma (Part 4 – Royal Artillery)

Here’s the last of my Burma stuff for the time being; namely some elements of the Royal Artillery. You might be wondering why I need to have model artillery, as the artillery will ordinarily be flippin’ miles away and only … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Painted Units, World War 2, World War 2 - British Commonwealth Armies, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 14 Comments

The Forgotten Wargames Army: XIVth Army in Burma (Part 3 – Indian Cavalry)

Some more Burma stuff today, namely a reconnaissance patrol from the Indian 16th Light Cavalry Regiment.  When we did our game of the Battle of Wetlet late last year, we needed a recce group from that regiment and rather than … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Painted Units, World War 2, World War 2 - British Commonwealth Armies, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 6 Comments

The Forgotten Wargames Army: XIVth Army in Burma (Part 2 – Indian Engineers & Valentine Bridgelayer)

As discussed in Part 1, I’ve been photographing a lot of my old stuff during the recent spell of sunny weather amid Plague Lockdown.  It’s occurred to me that I’ve got nowhere near enough WW2 stuff on this blog, even … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Painted Units, World War 2, World War 2 - British Commonwealth Armies, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 2 Comments

The Forgotten Wargames Army: XIVth Army in Burma (Part 1 – A Sikh Infantry Battalion)

It’s been gloriously sunny here this week while on lock-down from the ‘Flu Manchu’, so I decided a photograph a stack of models.  At the top of the stack were some boxes of XIVth Army British and Indian troops for … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Battlefront: WW2, Painted Units, World War 2, World War 2 - British Commonwealth Armies, World War 2 - Burma Campaign | 19 Comments