Category Archives: Seven Years War Austrian Army

‘All The Emperor’s Men’ (Part 11): Reichsarmee on Parade!

The long and winding road has finally reached its destination!  As discussed in Part 10 of this series, my Reichsarmee is now FINISHED! 🙂  As the first unit was painted in or around 1997, it took me around 25 years, … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Seven Years War Minor German States, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 13 Comments

‘All The Emperor’s Men’ (Part 10): The Very Last Reichsarmee Units!

Well all good things (and tedious blog articles) must come to an end… I’ve finally painted my last unit for the Reichsarmee.  I will post a Grand Imperial Parade in Part 11, showing the Reichsarmee as a whole and the … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Seven Years War Minor German States, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 9 Comments

‘All The Emperor’s Men’ (Part 9): Yet More Reichsarmee Units!

Good news!  It’s time for more Reichsarmee units! 🙂 Upper Rhine District (Oberrheinischen Kreis) The Imperial Circle of the Upper Rhine was one of the weakest contingents in the Reichsarmee, having only the ‘Hessen-Darmstädt’ (‘Prinz Georg’) Infantry Regiment (1 bn), … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Seven Years War Minor German States, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 1 Comment

‘All The Emperor’s Men’ (Part 8): More Reichsarmee Units

In the unlikely event that there is still someone reading this who isn’t now sick to the back teeth of all things Reichsarmee, here are some more painted units! 😀  Rest assured that they’re all finished now and it’ll soon … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Seven Years War Minor German States, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 11 Comments

‘All The Emperor’s Men’ (Part 7): More Imperial Auxiliary Regiments

Two years ago in Part 1 of this series, I profiled some auxiliary units from the Holy Roman Empire that were either raised under contract to serve with the Austrian Army or in the Saxons’ case, were placed under Austrian … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Seven Years War Minor German States, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 11 Comments

‘All The Emperor’s Men’ (Part 6): SYW Austrian Artillery & Staff

Following my recent flurry of Napoleonic units (namely the Russian Mounted Jäger and Swedish artillery), I’ve returned to ploughing through the Seven Years War units in my Lead Dungeon, with a particular emphasis on finishing the Reichsarmee, followed by Kleist’s … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | Leave a comment

‘All The Emperor’s Men’ (Part 5): The Mainz ‘Lamberg’ Regiment

Just a short post today.  I painted this unit back in the summer and promptly forgot about it until just now! In 1756 the Archbishop-Elector of Mainz was contracted to provide Austria with an auxiliary infantry regiment, consisting of a … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Seven Years War Minor German States, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 4 Comments

All The Emperor’s Men (Part 3): Reichsarmee Cavalry

Having flipped to painting Napoleonics for a few weeks, I’ve now flopped back to painting my Seven Years War armies, starting with some cavalry regiments for the Imperial Reichsarmee.  These were yet another über-stalled project, as I painted the first … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Seven Years War Minor German States, Shako Rules, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 10 Comments

‘All The Emperor’s Men’ (Part 2): The Reichsarmee

In Part 1 I looked at some of the German and Saxon-Polish units raised from within the Holy Roman Empire to directly support the Austrian Army in the field during the Seven Years War.  this time I’m profiling some of … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Seven Years War Minor German States, Shako Rules, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 16 Comments

‘All The Emperor’s Men’ (Part 1): Imperial Auxiliary Troops of the Seven Years War

First an apology to lovers of all things Jungle Green, Khaki Drill and Olive Drab and/or tracked; I’ve still got stacks and stacks of WW2 and Cold War stuff to post here (and more besides), but I’m on a bit … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War Austrian Army, Seven Years War Minor German States, Shako Rules, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 15 Comments