Category Archives: Napoleonic French Army

More Napoleonic French Allies (Saxon & Westphalian Cuirassiers)

My painting since November has been a bit random, consisting mostly of Napoleonic bits and pieces that I’ve been wanting to paint for a while, but kept getting knocked back while the big Seven Years War and American Civil War … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 2 Comments

“Vive L’Empereur!”: A Unique (?) Tony Barton Napoleon Figure

While I was photographing the Imperial Guard cavalry last week, it occurred to me that I’d never properly photographed my Napoleon model.  He’s a rather unusual and possibly unique figure, sculpted by Tony Barton, the supreme talent behind the original … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 2 Comments

“La Garde au Feu!”: My 15mm French Imperial Guard (Part 8: Young Guard Cavalry)

As regular readers of this blog might remember, in April 2020 I declared my French Imperial Guard to be finally finished! Hurrah! Vive l’Empereur! etc… So here are another two units of Imperial Guard cavalry… 🙂 “WTF?!” I hear you … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 11 Comments

Some More French Napoleonic Allies

It’s all been a bit wordy and rather ‘Jungle Green’ around here just lately, so I thought I’d throw some Napoleonics in to brighten the place up a bit!  As has been mentioned here before, everyone needs friends and that’s … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 24 Comments

The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw (Part 4: The Cavalry)

This is the last part of my series on my 15mm Army of the Duchy of Warsaw.  In Part 1 I covered the infantry, in Part 2 I looked at Prince Poniatowski and some of his generals and in Part … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 12 Comments

The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw (Part 3: The Artillery)

In Part 1 of this series I looked at some infantry regiments of the Duchy of Warsaw and in Part 2 I looked at Prince Poniatowski and his generals.  This time I’m going to look at the artillery.  All models … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 3 Comments

The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw (Part 2: The Generals)

In Part 1 I looked at some infantry regiments I’d painted for the Army of the Duchy of Warsaw, circa 1812-1813.  This time it’s the turn of the generals.  These are all AB Figures 15mm models, painted by me. All … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 11 Comments

The Army of the Duchy of Warsaw (Part 1: The Infantry)

Since this lockdown started I’ve been looking forward to the games I’m going to have once it’s all over and that has served as an impetus to my painting, as well something to keep my mind occupied and positive. Consequently, … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 25 Comments

And Now For Something Completely Different: 1809 Chess-Set

A blast from the past appeared on my Facebook feed this week, when an old friend posted some photos of the chess-set I made for him about 21 years ago, based on the French and Austrian armies of the 1809 … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Boardgames, Napoleonic Austrian Army, Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | Leave a comment

Napoleonic Reinforcements

I’m in trouble with Mrs Fawr… The lockdown means that I’ve been painting AB Figures Napoleonics at an unprecedented rate and have been buying bare metal at an even greater rate, primarily due to hoovering up the remaining stock of … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Napoleon's Battles (Rules), Napoleonic Austrian Army, Napoleonic French Army, Napoleonic Minor States, Napoleonic Russian Army, Napoleonic Wars, Painted Units | 13 Comments