Monthly Archives: December 2023

Jemima Fawr’s Review of 2023

Well here we are once again, bewildered and wondering “Where the hell did that year go?!” I hope that wherever the last remaining reader of this blog is, they’re enjoying themselves and not sitting in work on the night shift, … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Reviews | 15 Comments

Reinforcements for King Louis! (Part 6: The Mestre de Camp Général Dragoons (Santa’s Own))

As it’s Christmas, I thought I’d share with you what is possibly the most festive all all regiments, the French Mestre de Camp Général Dragoons in their Santa hats?! 🙂 The regiment was first raised in 1674 as the Tessé … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War French Army | 2 Comments

‘King George Commands And We Obey’: My 15mm SYW British Army (Part 4: Highlanders)

As discussed last time, we’re going to be refighting the Battle of Warburg over Christmas and for that game I’m going to need some extra British units, namely the two regiments of Highlanders serving in Germany (the 87th (Keith’s) and … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War British & Hanoverian Armies, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 13 Comments

‘Going At It Bald-Headed!’: The Battle of Warburg 31st July 1760 (A Scenario for ‘Tricorn’)

As mentioned last time, we sadly had to bin our recent plans to put on the Battle of Warburg as a demo-game at the Tenby Games Festival.  Nevertheless, that’s given me time to finish a few of the missing units … Continue reading

Posted in Eighteenth Century, Scenarios, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules), Tricorn Scenarios | 12 Comments