This is just a short post today, as it’s getting late and my camera played up on the day, leaving me with only a few decent photos of the game!
This is another one of our ‘Big Bovvy Bash’ games, played at Bovington Tank Museum in 2012, with the scenario being the Third Lift of British/Polish Airborne forces into Arnhem and the battle along the Dreijenseweg, on the northern edge of Oosterbeek.
Richard de Ferrars again provided the terrain for this game and again, Richard joined forces with Paddy Green to provide the troops. Once again, I did the minimum work possible and provided the Horsa and Hamilcar gliders and Dakotas. The gliders were hand-carved from balsa by the talented Mr Small due to a complete lack of suitable models…
Needless to say, within a few months, every man and his dog had released suitable 1/100th Horsa and Hamilcar glider kits… 🙁
Our scenario for the game can be found here:
Richard de Ferrars meanwhile, had FAR more success with his camera and was able to put together an excellent after-action report here:
Here are the pitiful photos I managed to take. Have a look at Richard’s report for a far better view of the action!
Hi my name is John Browning and I have a lot of information about Grimbosq including first hand accounts, I am not familiar with blogs and have been unable to contact you, if you are interested and would like to discuss them please contact me by email
Hi John,
That would be great! I’ve been to Grimbosq a few times and it’s a fascinating battle, so always keen to learn more. I can see your email address, so will drop you a line now.