Last time I posted my after-action report for our 2024 Christmas game, the Battle of ‘Wanneminden’, which was a half-scale or ‘bathtubbed’ version of the Battle of Minden, fought on 1st August 1759. So by popular demand, here’s the scenario! Yay.
As always, the scenario is designed for Tricorn, which is our own 18th Century variant of Shako rules.
Briefing for Field Marshal Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick

Prince Ferdinand of Brunbswick
Despite you having driven the French armies out of Hanover last year, they are now resurgent on the east bank of the Rhine and last month captured the vital fortress of Wanneminden, on the River Weser. You have massed your forces to retake the city, but can do nothing at present, thanks to the presence of the Marquis de Contades’ army, encamped just across the Weser.
You need to tempt Contades’ army to cross the Weser and come onto ground of your choosing. You have therefore dangled Wangenheim’s corps as bait in front of the walls of Wanneminden, while the rest of your army has withdrawn a discreet distance away, ready to strike the French left flank, once Contades commits himself against Wangenheim.
However, while the French have indeed taken the bait, the Prince of Anhalt (commanding your outlying picquets) neglected to inform you that Contades is already on the move! You have therefore sent a flurry of orders, ordering your columns to march at once to Wanneminden Heath, where the French army will likely be forming up to attack Wangenheim and can only hope that you have not left it too late!
Allied Scenario Notes
The umpire will roll secretly for all changes of orders and inform you of the result.
The attack-arrows for ALL reinforcing formations must be drawn on the map before the start of the game (their entry points are listed below).
The game lasts until one army breaks or until the players lose the will to live, whichever comes first.
Order of Battle of the Allied Army
Field Marshal Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick
(Excellent – 2 ADCs)
Picquets – Lieutenant General Prince of Anhalt (Poor)
1st Battalion of Picquets [4/1]
2nd Battalion of Picquets [2x Skirmishers MR 4]
3rd Battalion of Picquets [2x Skirmishers MR 4]
First Column – Lieutenant General Lord Sackville (Poor)
British Royal Horse Guards (The Blues) [6/2]
Hanoverian ‘Breydenbach’ Dragoons [5/2]
British 1st (King’s) Dragoon Guards [6/2]
British 3rd Dragoon Guards (Howard’s) & 2nd (Royal North British) Dragoons [6/2]
Second Column – Major von Haase
Hanoverian Heavy Artillery Battery [3/0]
British Heavy Artillery Battery (MacBean’s) [3/0]
British Light Artillery Battery (Foy’s) [3/0]
Third Column – Lieutenant General von Spörcken (Excellent)
British 37th (Stewart’s) Regiment of Foot (elite) [5/2]
British 23rd (Royal Welch) Regiment of Fusiliers (elite) [5/2]
Hanoverian Fußgarde Regiment [6/2 – Large Unit]
British 51st (Brudenell’s) Regiment of Foot (elite) [5/2]
British 25th (Home’s) Regiment of Foot (elite) [5/2]
Fourth Column – Major General von Scheele (Good)
Hanoverian Reden Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
Hanoverian Stolzenberg Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
Hanoverian Estorff Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
Fifth Column – Colonel von Braun
Hanoverian Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Hanoverian Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Sixth Column – Lieutenant General von Wutginau (Average)
Hesse-Cassel Leibgarde zu Fuß Regiment [6/2 – Large Unit]
Hesse-Cassel Toll Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
Hesse-Cassel Bischhausen Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Seventh Column – Lieutenant General von Imhoff (Good)
Hesse-Cassel Grenadierregiment [5/2 – Large Unit]
Hesse-Cassel Gilsa Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
I. Bn, Brunswick Imhoff Infantry Regiment [4/1]
II. Bn, Brunswick Imhoff Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Eighth Column – Lieutenant General Duke of Holstein-Gottorp (Good)
Hanoverian Hammerstein & Leibregiment Horse Regiments [6/2]
Prussian Holstein-Gottorp Dragoon Regiment (DR 9) [5/2 – Large Unit]
Hesse-Cassel Miltitz Horse & Prüschenck Horse Regiments [6/2]
Corps of Lieutenant General von Wangenheim
Cavalry Division – Major General von Grothaus (Average)
Hesse-Cassel Prinz Friedrich Dragoon Regiment [5/2]
Hanoverian Reden Horse & Heise Horse Regiments [6/2]
Infantry Division – Lieutenant General von Wangenheim (Average)
Hanoverian Kielmannsegg Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
Hanoverian Spörcken Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
Hanoverian Jung-Zastrow Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
Hanoverian Halberstadt Infantry Regiment [4/1 – Large Unit]
British Grenadier Battalion Maxwell [5/2]
Hesse-Cassel Grenadier Battalion Donop [5/2]
Brunswick Grenadier Battalion Stammer [5/2]
Schamburg-Lippe-Bückeburg Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Artillery Division – Lieutenant General Count William of Schaumburg-Lippe
Hesse-Cassel Heavy Artillery Battery [3/0]
Hesse-Cassel Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Allied Order of Battle Notes
1. The ‘battalions of picquets’ are the massed duty detachments for that day, from all the battalions in the army. There may also have been some dedicated light infantry (e.g. Hessian or Hanoverian Jäger) in this area, but information is scarce.
2. Haase’s 2nd Column, Braun’s 5th Column and Schaumburg-Lippe’s Artillery Division class as Army Artillery and do not require orders, nor do they apply formation morale tests. The MR of each lost army battery is counted against Army Morale when conducting an army morale test.
3. The British Royal Horse Guards are classed as Cuirassiers. The British Dragoon Guards, Hanoverian Horse and Hessian Horse are classed as Heavy Horse (this only matters in the event of a draw between opposing heavy cavalry with the same MR).
4. As this is a ‘bath-tubbed’ scenario, battalion guns are counted as part of infantry firepower and are otherwise ignored.
5. Many British, Hanoverian and Hessian cavalry regiments at this time were rather small, consisting of only two squadrons. Therefore in game terms, a cavalry ‘unit’ might represent two brigaded regiments.
Allied Formation Breakpoints
Division FMR ⅓ ½ ¾
Anhalt 12 4 6 9
Sackville 23 8 12 18
Haase (Army Guns) 9 – – –
Spörcken 27 9 14 21
Scheele 15 5 8 12
Braun (Army Guns) 6 – – –
Wutginau 21 7 11 16
Imhoff 19 7 10 15
Holstein-Gottorp 18 6 9 14
Grothaus 11 – 6 –
Wangenheim 39 13 20 30
Schaumburg-Lippe (Army Guns) 9 – – –
Army FMR ¼ ⅓ ½
Allied Army 210 53 70 105
Allied Deployment
The following formations and units are on-table at the start (refer to the deployment map):
The Prince of Anhalt’s picquets start the game on table, contesting the village of Hahlen.
Haase’s British batteries are limbered and marching to support the Prince of Anhalt. MacBean’s heavy battery starts the game hidden from French view, so is not placed on table until after orders are written. The Hanoverian heavy battery is still off-table and will arrive at the rear of Spörcken’s 3rd Column.
Schaumburg-Lippe’s three batteries are all deployed in earthworks on the extreme left flank of the army, near the River Weser, guarded by the Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg Infantry Regiment from Wangenheim’s Corps.
Wangenheim’s infantry are deployed in a single line, extending west from the earthworks and in front of the village of Kutenhausen.
Grothaus’ cavalry are deployed on Wangenheim’s right flank, between the villages of Kutenhausen and Stemmer.
Allied Reinforcement Schedule
While you know where your columns are due to arrive, the confusion of the late orders and the night-march means that you have lost contact with most of the columns and don’t know exactly when they’ll arrive. The umpire will inform you when the columns arrive and in what formation.
Ferdinand’s Headquarters arrives at Point G.
Sackville’s 1st Column arrives at Point A.
Spörcken’s 3rd Column arrives at Point B.
Braun’s 5th Column arrives at Point C.
Scheele’s 4th Column arrives at Point D.
Wutginau’s 6th Column arrives at Point E.
Imhoff’s 7th Column arrives at Point F.
Holstein-Gottorp’s 8th Column arrives at Point G.
Briefing for Maréchal de France Louis Georges Érasme, Marquis de Contades

Marquis de Contades
This year’s campaign has seen your army regain its honour following last year’s retreat from Hanover. First the Duc de Broglie managed to blunt the Allied attack at Bergen and last month your army managed to capture the key fortress of Wanneminden, on the River Weser.
Your army has since adopted a defensive posture along the Weser, protecting Wanneminden from recapture while gathering in supplies and detached corps before resuming the attack into Hanover. The Allied army of Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick (now heavily reinforced by British troops) has maintained a watchful stance beyond the Weser, but has thus far not made any move against you.
However, it would appear that Prince Ferdinand has now withdrawn his main army from the immediate vicinity of Wanneminden. Perhaps to find forage? Whatever the reason for his withdrawal, he has left an observation corps commanded by the Hanoverian General von Wangenheim to watch the fortress. Wangenheim’s corps would therefore appear to be isolated and ripe for the plucking!
You have consequently ordered the Duc de Broglie to cross over the Weser via Wanneminden and launch an immediate attack. Your army’s engineers are presently building bridges over the River Bastau, to the south of the city and your army will therefore join the attack at the earliest opportunity.
French Scenario Notes
The attack-arrows for ALL reinforcing formations must be drawn on the map before the start of the game (their entry points are listed below).
The game lasts until one army breaks or until the players lose the will to live, whichever happens first.
French Order of Battle of the French Army
Maréchal de France Marquis de Contades
(Average – 2 ADCs)
Division of Lieutenant-Général Duc de Guerchy (Left Wing First Line) (Poor)
1st Bn, Aquitaine Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Aquitaine Infantry Regiment [4/1]
1st Bn, Vastan Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Vastan Infantry Regiment [4/1]
1st Bn, Du Roi Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Du Roi Infantry Regiment [4/1]
3rd Bn, Du Roi Infantry Regiment [4/1]
4th Bn, Du Roi Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Chasseurs [1x Skirmishers MR 3]
Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Saxon Division of Generallieutenant Prince Xaver (Left Wing Second Line) (Good)
Lubomirsky Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Prinz Clemens Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Prinz Josef Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Prinz Friedrich August Infantry Regiment [4/1]
1st Bn, Prinz Xaver Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Prinz Xaver Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Prinz Carl Maximilian Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Cavalry Division of Lieutenant-Général Duc de Fitz James (Average)
Colonel-Général Cavalry Brigade (Poor) [5/2]
Mestre de Camp-Général Cavalry Brigade (Poor) [5/2]
Du Roi Cavalry Brigade (Poor) [5/2]
Bourgogne Cavalry Brigade (Poor) [5/2]
Cavalry Division of Lieutenant-Général Marquis de Poyanne (Excellent)
Gendarmerie de France [6/2 – Large Unit]
Royal-Carabiniers [6/2 – Large Unit]
Division of Lieutenant-Général Duc de Beaupréau (Right Wing First Line) (Average)
1st Bn, Touraine Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Touraine Infantry Regiment [4/1]
1st Bn, D’Aumont Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, D’Aumont Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Heavy Artillery Battery [3/0]
Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Division of Lieutenant-Général Chevalier de Nicolay (Right Wing Flank-Guard) (Good)
1st Bn, Picardie Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Picardie Infantry Regiment [4/1]
3rd Bn, Picardie Infantry Regiment [4/1]
4th Bn, Picardie Infantry Regiment [4/1]
1st Bn, La Marche Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Division of Lieutenant-Général Comte de Saint-Germain (Right Wing Second Line) (Average)
1st Bn, Anhalt German Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Anhalt German Infantry Regiment [4/1]
1st Bn, Saint-Germain German Infantry Regiment [4/1]
1st Bn, Bergh German Infantry Regiment [4/1]
Corps of Maréchal de France Duc de Broglie
Cavalry Division – Lieutenant-Général Prince Camille (Poor)
Commissaire-Général Cavalry Brigade (Poor) [5/2]
Penthièvre Cavalry Brigade (Poor) [5/2]
First Line – Lieutenant-Général Marquis de Saint-Pern (Poor)
1st Bn, Grenadiers de France Infantry Regiment [5/2]
2nd Bn, Grenadiers de France Infantry Regiment [5/2]
3rd Bn, Grenadiers de France Infantry Regiment [5/2]
4th Bn, Grenadiers de France Infantry Regiment [5/2]
Heavy Artillery Battery [3/0]
Light Artillery Battery [3/0]
Second & Third Lines – Lieutenant-Général Chevalier du Muy (Average)
1st Bn, Piémont Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Piémont Infantry Regiment [4/1]
3rd Bn, Piémont Infantry Regiment [4/1]
1st Bn, Planta Swiss Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Planta Swiss Infantry Regiment [4/1]
1st Bn, Royal Deux-Ponts German Infantry Regiment [4/1]
2nd Bn, Royal Deux-Ponts German Infantry Regiment [4/1]
French Order of Battle Notes
1. The French cavalry are all classed as Cuirassiers, but are mostly classed as ‘Poor’, so are reduced by one MR factor (5/2 instead of 6/2). This only matters in the event of a draw between heavy cavalry of the same MR (e.g. the Gendarmerie de France or Royal-Carabiniers and most Allied heavy horse).
2. As this is a ‘bath-tubbed’ scenario, battalion guns are counted as part of infantry firepower and are otherwise ignored.
3. Most French cavalry regiments were absolutely tiny at this time, consisting merely of two weak squadrons. A cavalry ‘unit’ in game-terms, therefore represents a brigade of several regiments and is named for the senior regiment in the brigade.
French Formation Breakpoints
Division FMR ⅓ ½ ¾
Guerchy 44 15 22 33
Prince Xaver 28 10 14 21
Fitz James 20 7 10 15
Poyanne 14 – 7 –
Beaupréau 22 8 11 17
Nicolay 23 8 12 18
Saint-Germain 16 6 8 12
Prince Camille 10 – 5 –
Saint-Pern 26 9 13 20
Du Muy 28 10 14 21
Army FMR ¼ ⅓ ½
French Army 231 58 77 116
French Deployment
The following formations and units are on-table at the start (refer to the deployment map):
Marshal de Broglie’s corps is deployed in battle-formation, in preparation for the assault on Wangenheim’s left wing the entrenched artillery. Saint-Pern’s division forms the first line, while the Piémont and Planta Regiments of Du Muy’s division form the second line and the Royal Deux-Ponts Regiment forms the third line. Prince Camille’s cavalry are posted in two lines on Broglie’s left. The artillery is unlimbered.
Nicolay’s division has deployed into battle-formation and is marching to support Broglie’s left. The artillery may be unlimbered or limbered.
Two battalions of Guerchy’s division, together with the Chasseur detachment, have occupied Hahlen. They need not follow the orders set for the rest of the division.
French Reinforcement Schedule
All reinforcing formations arrive on Turn 1, in column/limbered formation.
Contades’ Headquarters arrives at Point C.
Guerchy’s division arrives at Point A.
Prinz Xaver’s Saxon division arrives at Point B.
Fitz James’ first line (Colonel-Général & Mestre de Camp-Général Brigades) arrives at Point C.
Fitz James’ second line (Du Roi & Bourgogne Brigades) arrives at Point D.
Poyanne’s division arrives at Point E.
Terrain Rules
Please note that the fortress in my pictures above is purely for decorative purposes! Replace it with the French outer-works, consisting of a line of four entrenched positions and one all-round defence redoubt, as shown on the deployment map. However, these can happily be ignored if you lack the models, as it’s highly unlikely that they will play any part in the game.
Terrain features are largely as per the standard rules, with these exceptions:
Entrenchments provide a -1 cover modifier and +2 mêlée modifier.
Woods provide a -1 cover modifier to smallarms, but nothing against artillery fire. No mêlée modifier. In order to claim rear support in woods, the supporting unit must be within 2 inches.
The River Weser is unfordable.
We’ve been playtesting a different method for villages in Tricorn that’s somewhat different to the standard ‘Built-Up Sector’ method used in Shako. While there might be some advantages to deploying in villages, the disadvantages of urban fighting often outweighed the advantages and 18th Century armies would (usually) actively avoid defending villages.
- We still use the Built-Up Sector method for fortified farms, redoubts, castles, churchyards and densely built-up areas in large towns, though villages are now treated as area terrain, like woods.
- Infantry battalions deployed in villages gain a -1 cover modifier against all types of fire and a +1 mêlée modifier (the mêlée modifier increases to +2 if the village has been prepared for defence, though none have in this scenario).
- Infantry battalions deployed in villages may not claim any rear or flank support modifiers in mêlée.
- Infantry battalions deployed in villages suffer a -1 shooting modifier (this is not cumulative with the shooting modifier -1 suffered for being staggered).
- British and Hanoverian infantry battalions deployed in villages lose the +1 modifier for shooting at chargers.
Visibility through woods or villages is 2 inches.
Umpire’s Eyes Only
Allied Reinforcement Schedule
Turn 1: Spörcken’s 3rd Column arrives at Point B.
Ferdinand arrives at Point G.
Turn 2: Sackville’s 1st Column arrives at Point A.
Turn 3: Scheele’s 4th Column arrives at Point D.
Turn 4: Braun’s 5th Column arrives at Point C.
Wutginau’s 6th Column arrives at Point E.
Turn 6: Imhoff’s 7th Column arrives at Point F.
Turn 8: Holstein-Gottorp’s 8th Column arrives at Point G.
Special Scenario Rules
Sackville’s command will deploy into two lines six inches on to table and then adopt Defend orders, regardless of their pre-written orders/command arrow. Sackville will then ignore all order-changes (hence the need for secret order-change rolls by the umpire), though may order units to charge as normal, should the enemy come within 12 inches.
Optionally, the umpire may permit Sackville’s orders to be changed in the normal manner if an Allied division breaks or if the French army becomes demoralised.