Category Archives: Eighteenth Century

‘Going At It Bald-Headed!’: The Battle of Warburg 31st July 1760 (A Scenario for ‘Tricorn’)

As mentioned last time, we sadly had to bin our recent plans to put on the Battle of Warburg as a demo-game at the Tenby Games Festival.  Nevertheless, that’s given me time to finish a few of the missing units … Continue reading

Posted in Eighteenth Century, Scenarios, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules), Tricorn Scenarios | 12 Comments

‘Hannover Siegt, Der Franzmann Liegt’ (Part 8: Hanoverian Cavalry)

Having shocked the surviving readers of this blog last week by publicly playing with Gareth’s nobori and having caused palpitations by making people read Japanese names, I thought I’d better post the blog equivalent of Mogadon to calm everyone down.  … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War British & Hanoverian Armies, Seven Years War Minor German States, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 10 Comments

‘First Blood’: The Battle of Mollwitz, 10th April 1741 (A Scenario for ‘Tricorn’)

As mentioned last time, I’ve got another Tricorn game coming up next week at the Wargames Association of South Pembrokeshire (W.A.S.P.), though this time it’s set in the War of Austrian Succession (or First Silesian War if you prefer), rather … Continue reading

Posted in Eighteenth Century, Scenarios, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules), Tricorn Scenarios | 29 Comments

‘Auvergne, Voici Les Ennemis!’: The Battle of Clostercamp 16th October 1760 (The Refight)

As discussed last time, we (i.e. Andy, Kirk and me) recently put on a refight of the Battle of Clostercamp for the club open day of one of our local wargame clubs, the Haverfordwest Gaming Club (HATS).  I posted the … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Games, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 9 Comments

‘Auvergne, Voici Les Ennemis!’: The Battle of Clostercamp 16th October 1760 (A Scenario for ‘Tricorn’)

Here’s a scenario I wrote for a refight of the Battle of Clostercamp, played at the recent open day of the Haverfordwest Gaming Club.  We were limited for space but wanted to do a historical battle, so this is a … Continue reading

Posted in Eighteenth Century, Scenarios, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules), Tricorn Scenarios | 7 Comments

Reinforcements For King Louis! (Part 5: Gendarmerie de France)

As mentioned in the last few articles, I’m presently expanding my ‘western’ armies for the Seven Years War (France, Saxony, Great Britain, Hanover, Hessen-Cassel, Brunswick and Schaumburg-Lippe), with plans to refight the larger battles in western Germany, such as Minden … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War French Army, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 2 Comments

‘Hannover Siegt, Der Franzmann Liegt’ (Part 7: Hessen-Cassel Troops)

As mentioned last month, I’m currently undertaking a massive expansion of my French, Saxon and ‘Western Allied’ (i.e. Great Britain, Hanover, Hessen-Cassel, Brunswick & Schaumburg-Lippe) armies for the Seven Years War.  The long-term objective is to refight the larger battles … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War British & Hanoverian Armies, Seven Years War Minor German States, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 9 Comments

‘Hannover Siegt, Der Franzmann Liegt’: My 15mm SYW Hanoverian & German Allied Army (Part 6 – The Légion Britannique (continued))

Last time, in Part 5 of this series, I looked at the formation of the Légion Britannique, which was a ‘free corps’ raised by Hanover in 1759 at British expense, given a French name, fighting against France under the British … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War British & Hanoverian Armies, Seven Years War Minor German States, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 15 Comments

‘Hannover Siegt, Der Franzmann Liegt’: My 15mm SYW Hanoverian & German Allied Army (Part 5 – The Légion Britannique)

As discussed last time, I’m presently in the process of filling out my French, Prussian, Hanoverian and British SYW armies with light troops, which were increasingly a feature of European armies during this period.  This week it’s the turn of … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War British & Hanoverian Armies, Seven Years War Minor German States, Seven Years War Prussian Army, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 15 Comments

Reinforcements for King Louis! (Part 4: Artillery & Volunteers)

With the Reichsarmee finally finished, I’m still sticking with the Seven Years War for the moment, but now moving back to the Western Theatre and the expansion of my embryonic French and Hanoverian-Allied armies.  I started painting those armies in … Continue reading

Posted in 15mm Figures, Eighteenth Century, Painted Units, Seven Years War & War of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War French Army, Tricorn (18th Century Shako Rules) | 4 Comments